Prime Health Daily

Prevent Coronary Heart Disease By Taking These Simple Steps

Keeping your cardiovascular system in good shape is vital to living a long, healthy life. Coronary heart disease occurs when plaque in your arteries slows down the blood flowing to your heart, which prevents your heart from working at full capacity.

You can delay the onset of coronary heart disease by making simple lifestyle changes, and you can start utilizing these today!

1. Go Nuts When It Comes To Snacking

Nuts such as walnuts, almonds, and cashews are loaded with monounsaturated fat, which helps to lower your bad cholesterol levels. Although nuts can benefit the heart, it’s important to indulge in moderation. Nuts are high in fat and calories, so use a pinch to garnish a salad or grab a small handful for a quick bite!

2. Quit Your Smoking Habit

Smoking cigarettes can increase your chance of a heart attack as well as developing heart disease, and quitting can drastically affect the health of your heart. Try to avoid second-hand smoke as well to avoid negative impact on your heart. The next life tip will provide you with daily fiber and cardiovascular protection. 

3. Add Beans To The Majority Of Your Meals

By sprucing up a salad or stew with an assortment of beans, you can improve your heart health. Chickpeas and kidney beans have been proven to lower your LDL cholesterol levels, so don’t be afraid to indulge in some when you are fixing each meal! The next lifestyle change will have you changing the way you cook!

4. Use Olive Oil For Any Cooking

Olive oil is packed with monounsaturated fat, which can lower your LDL cholesterol levels and improve your overall heart health. Choose olive or canola oil over corn oil or peanut oil to avoid consuming polyunsaturated fat, which can hinder the health of your heart. Make a salad marinade out of olive oil or add it to your pan while cooking dinner!

5. Aim To Get Some Exercise

Participating in some sort of aerobic exercise—such as a brisk walk or a run—can greatly decrease your chances of developing heart disease. Engaging in at least two hours and 30 minutes of moderate exercise per week can lower your bad cholesterol levels, raise your HDL cholesterol, and keep your blood pressure regulated.

6. Practice Meditation To Stay Calm

Stress is a big factor when it comes to experiencing a cardiac arrest. Stress can cause high blood pressure and other heart problems, and it is important to learn how to properly cope with it. Using meditation to calm down and clear your mind is a great way to take care of your heart and mind!

7. Consume Ample Sources Of Protein

Fish, lean meats, nuts, and seeds are excellent sources of protein. These foods are filled with omega-3 fatty acid that promotes heart health. Adding these foods into your diet can help to lower your blood pressure and LDL cholesterol, and decrease your chances of developing heart disease. The following lifestyle change will affect all aspects of your wellness!

8. Maintain A Healthy Weight

Through a heart-healthy diet and exercise, you can achieve a healthy weight and prevent the onset of heart disease. Maintaining a healthy weight greatly decreases the chance of developing diabetes, high blood pressure, and cholesterol. Getting daily exercise and keeping your diet filled with protein, fruits, and vegetables can help you achieve your goals!

9. Consume Whole-Grain For Breakfast

Whole grains—such as oatmeal, barley, or different types of breads—can lower your risk of developing heart disease and can lower your cholesterol. Whole grains are filled with fiber, so you can stay full longer and eat less, which combats obesity. The following lifestyle tip will have you using a very distinct seasoning!

10. Season With Garlic For Serious Heart Benefits

Cooking with garlic can help you to lower your cholesterol without sacrificing the flavor of your food. Studies have proven that garlic can lower LDL cholesterol levels and bring your blood pressure to a healthy range. Making your meals with garlic allows you to take care of your heart while eating delicious entrees. 

11. Don’t Stay Seated For Long

Although many of our lifestyles require us to stay seated for work or during our leisure time, sitting for long periods of time can lead to poor heart health. Those who find themselves spending most of their time sitting are more likely to develop heart disease or diabetes. Getting up and moving every couple of minutes can prevent these risks!

12. Communicate Closely With Loved Ones

Having someone to talk to can prevent the building of stress and lower your blood pressure in the process. Talking with friends or family as a way to vent can benefit your heart as well as your emotional health, and this can prevent the progression of heart disease dramatically. Speak from your heart!

13. Limit Your Sugar Intake

Many of the most popular foods—such as candy, pastries, and fruit juices—are filled with added sugar. A diet high in sugar leads to high blood pressure and other heart problems, making it imperative to cut down on the sweet stuff. The following lifestyle tip will have you passing the salt—literally.

14. Cut Back On Salty Foods

A diet high in salt leads to a variety of cardiovascular issues. Excessive sodium consumption can result in high blood pressure and increased cholesterol. Choose to eat at restaurants less frequently and cook at home for the majority of your meals. Experiment with spices instead of adding salt to your food. Eating less salt will greatly impact your cardiovascular well-being!

15. Pass On That Glass Of Merlot

Drinking alcohol has a much greater impact on heart health than most people realize. Drinking raises your blood pressure, and if you drink regularly you are doing even greater damage to your heart. Men should keep their drinking to a maximum of two drinks on a daily basis, and women should not have more than one drink in a day.