Prime Health Daily

What Watermelons Do To Your Body (Surprising!)

Let’s talk about everyone’s favorite juicy treat – watermelon! You know, that sweet, refreshing slice of heaven that just screams “summer” no matter what time of year it is.

Now, I get it – you might have heard some mixed messages about watermelon. Is it really as bad as they say?

Is it just a sugary, water-filled snack with no real nutritional value?

Well, hold onto your hats, because we’re about to bust some myths!

Sure, watermelon is mostly water – about 90%, to be exact. But it’s also packed with a whole bunch of goodies like vitamins A, B6, C, and a powerful antioxidant called lycopene. You know, the stuff that’s also found in tomatoes? Well, turns out watermelon is loaded with it, even more so than your average tomato.

Why is lycopene such a big deal?

Well, for starters, it’s a superhero when it comes to fighting inflammation and keeping our hearts healthy. It’s like a little army marching through our bodies, protecting our cardiovascular system, bones, and even helping prevent cancer. Pretty impressive, huh?

But wait, there’s more! Watermelons also contain citrulline, an amino acid that does some pretty nifty things in our bodies. Ever heard of nitric oxide? Yeah, citrulline helps produce that stuff, which in turn relaxes our blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, and helps oxygen flow where it’s needed most – like to our muscles, hearts, and brains.

And get this – studies have even shown that watermelon could be a game-changer for folks struggling with high blood pressure, especially if you’re carrying a few extra pounds. It’s like nature’s very own blood pressure medication!

But that’s not all watermelon can do

It’s also a powerhouse when it comes to fighting cancer, particularly prostate cancer in men. And if you’re worried about staying hydrated, look no further – watermelon’s got you covered. With its high water content and electrolytes, it’s the perfect post-workout refresher.

Now, here’s a fun fact – you know those seeds you’re always spitting out? Well, turns out they’re actually good for you! Packed with iron, zinc, fiber, and protein, they’re like little nuggets of goodness hiding in your favorite fruit.

So, next time you’re picking out a watermelon, remember to look for that creamy yellow spot on the bottom and give it a good thump – you want it to sound nice and hollow. And don’t worry too much about the sugar content – with all that fiber and water, it’s pretty hard to overdo it on watermelon.

So go ahead, dive into that juicy slice of goodness and know that you’re doing your body a world of good. After all, who knew something so delicious could be so darn healthy? Cheers to watermelon season, my friends! 🍉

Bananas vs oranges vs apples… (the #1 WORST fruit for your gut & energy)

According to the best-selling author and world-renowned heart surgeon, Dr. Steven Gundry, there’s one fruit people over 40 should never eat.

This fruit can damage your gut and disrupt your hormones. Both sapping you of energy and forcing your body to create “sticky” fat cells that can NOT be “burned off” with normal diet and exercise.

Do you know the fruit I’m talking about? Make sure you do by clicking the one below you think it is, and get the answer from Dr. Gundry himself on the next page:


=> Oranges

=> Apples

=> Grapes