Prime Health Daily

Sip This In The Morning To Fight Aging


Does your morning ritual start, without fail, with a cup of coffee?

If you’re like most people, this is your go-to beverage for getting your day off and running. While coffee will definitely promote a good boost of energy first thing in the morning, that’s about all you’ll get from it.

Instead, you should consider swapping it out for some Green Tea. Green tea has been proven to help enhance health more than any other beverage and will not only help fight aging, but also promote fat loss as well.

Let’s look further into what Green tea holds.

High Antioxidant Content Wards Off Aging

First, green tea is packed with antioxidants, which are going to help to defend against free radical damage that could increase the rate of aging.

Each and every day you’re exposed to numerous toxins in the environment, all which come into contact with the body and skin and cause micro-damage to occur.

Green tea can help offset this, reducing the chances that these free radicals cause you bodily harm.

Appetite Control

If you want to see weight loss success, one thing that you must be doing is controlling your food consumption. Green tea again earns top marks for helping you do so.

One study published in the International Journal of Obesity noted that the catechins found in green tea, which are particular chemicals unique to this beverage, will help to not only decrease how hungry you feel on a regular basis, but also help to boost your metabolic rate as well.

The end result is that you have an easier time controlling how much you eat and also increase the number of calories you burn off on a day to day basis.

This is a win-win as far as reaching your ideal body weight is concerned.

Abdominal Fat Burning

Finally, also noted in that study, it appears that the catechins in the green tea will also help reduce fat specifically in the abdominal region, so if you have a goal to get flat abs, that’s more the reason to make the switch and have green tea rather than your usual cup of coffee.

Green tea can also help to reduce the levels of triglycerides in the body, noted the study, so for anyone concerned with heart disease, it appears to offer favorable benefits in this area as well.

So rather than waking up and starting your day with a cup of coffee only to have that energy burst sputter out mid-morning, start the day off with a cup of Green tea instead.

Add a slice of lemon for added flavor and you can feel good about doing something to help you stay and feel as young as possible.

The Common “Breakfast Mistake” Linked Directly To Weight Gain

Did you know that what you eat for breakfast, sets the tone for your body for the rest of the day?

The common belief is the timing of when you eat in the morning is everything when it comes to maintaining a healthy weight, however, this is simply not true.

It’s important to understand that the type of food you eat in the morning is what allows you to have more energy, sharper focus, healthier weight, smoother skin, and better digestion.

And what’s really shocking is that Americans are learning what they thought was a “healthy breakfast”, is actually leading to their poor digestion and weight gain.

Click Here To Find Out The Common “Breakfast Mistake” Now >>

P.S. If you are like most Americans, there is one food in particular that you will be absolutely stunned to find out is causing far more harm to your body than good, so click here now to see for yourself.