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Add this 1 slimming spice daily

Thriving in Greece and North Africa in ancient times, this slimming spice’s transformative effects on food are world renown–and early texts from Eurasia hint of its therapeutic potential.

Recent research reveals a surprising benefit, however…one that could make you slim.

In the study, female participants consumed a capsule either containing saffron or a placebo for two months.

During this time period, they weren’t instructed to change their dietary habits in any way.

After the study period ended, researchers recorded how much weight they lost and how it affected their satiety.

As it turned out, those who consumed the saffron pill reported snacking less often, and as a result, lost more weight.

Of course, the less you snack, the fewer calories you consume, helping you slim down.

As another bonus, research shows it helps reduce symptoms associated with depression, which can trigger weight loss.

Of course, the better your mood is, the less likely you’ll engage in emotional eating–a maladaptive eating habit that, for many people, leads to obesity.

To enjoy, try sprinkling it into any savory dish.

Used as a spice, it’s excellent for bringing flavors to life, and enhancing the overall experience of a dish.