Prime Health Daily

Breakfast + Weight Gain

Be honest: When do you usually consume breakfast?

If you answered between 7:30 to 9:00 a.m., it could affect your health in a bad way (regardless of age).

Recent research shows that people who prefer late breakfasts, regardless of how many calories they consume, are more likely to have a higher body mass index (BMI).

In turn, their risk of developing diabetes is also high.

The reason why? 

Researchers believe that eating a late breakfast interrupts the body’s internal clock, causing hormone irregularities.

This could impair the body’s insulin self-regulating process, putting people at risk of the disease.

Bottom line? 

If you’re going to eat in the morning, you shouldn’t eat a late breakfast.

So how else can you keep your risk of diabetes low? Here are 3 meal mishaps you should avoid:

– Skipping breakfast. 

Skipping any meal isn’t good for your health, but waiting until lunch to eat food could send your metabolism (and insulin control) out of whack, according to research.

– Not eating enough protein.

Eating a food packed full of carbohydrates without protein makes it harder to maintain insulin control. That’s a recipe for disaster.

– Not eating at regular times everyday.  

Keeping a normal schedule is the best way to keep your insulin under control–remember, you’re not a college kid anymore.

A regular eating schedule keeps you healthy!