Prime Health Daily

What Carrots Really Do To Your Body

Bugs Bunny was right… carrots are a great addition to your diet.

The nice thing about carrots is that most people will appreciate the taste of them raw, so they are easy for a grab-and-go snack at any point during the day.

If you struggle to get enough fresh fruits and vegetables in, you’ll definitely want to add carrots to your grocery list.

What’s so special about carrots? Some of the health benefits they’ll provide include:

  • They’re relatively low in calories coming in at just 50 calories per cup
  • They’re a very rich source of vitamin A, providing 113% of your total daily intake requirements
  • They’re rich in dietary fiber, which will help to stabilize blood glucose levels and create a naturally full sensation in the body
  • They provide a rich array of antioxidants, which will help combat free radical damage and keep you feeling your very best
  • They may help lower your risk factor for cardiovascular heart disease
  • Their high beta-carotene content helps to improve your eye health and may help guard against night blindness

All in all, this delicious and sweet vegetable is one that can be eaten cooked in a variety of ways – stir-fried, steamed, boiled, or baked, or can be served raw with a delicious and healthy dip. It’s a fun and fast way to get your nutritional intake up.