Prime Health Daily

Temperature + Heart Attack Risk

Want to reduce your risk of a heart attack? Here’s a simple tip: Watch out for temperature changes.

According to a 2018 study, a sudden change from winter-like temps to a summer climate (and vice versa) can lead to higher incidences of heart attacks. The stress it causes on the body–the heart especially–is sometimes too tough on older adults.

But none of us can do anything about Mother Nature’s unrelenting behavior. So what’s the fix here?

If possible, stay indoors if the weather is especially severe, suggest experts. A sudden dip or rise in temperature can seriously stress the body; moreso if you’re middle aged. It’s better safe than sorry in this scenario.

In addition, avoiding any heavy labor outdoors, such as shoveling snow or mowing the lawn, is important, as this can also increase stress on the heart.

Also Watch Out for Air Temps

In addition to sudden changes in outdoor temperature, certain temperatures in general are associated with an increase in heart attacks.

Research from the European Society of Cardiology reveals that temperatures less than 32F are the most dangerous, especially for people with heart disease or a pre-existing heart condition.

If you’re at risk, it’s best to stay indoors and bundle up as much as possible–warmth helps counteract the negative effects of a winter chill. Remember, safety first!